lundi 23 juillet 2012

Coucou, c'est moi!

Regardez, je parle de moi (en anglais) sur Pattern Review :  Member in Focus

Je préfère vous le dire moi-même plutôt que de vous laisser tomber dessus accidentellement.

Oui, c'est vrai, j'aime les betteraves. Beaucoup, même.

Look, I'm the Member in Focus on Pattern Review's blog.

The ugly truth is out. I thought it best to tell you ahead so you can process the news.

I love beets. A lot.

8 commentaires:

Anonyme a dit…

Thank you for sharing so much about yourself. It was really interesting to read your story and it gives just a little insight about what it is like to live in Port-au-Prince. Of course there would be so much more to tell, but I don't know of anybody else living there - so I wait for your posts and look not only for sewing inspiration but also for information on your home town and country.

Hana - Marmota a dit…

I'm a bad, bad reader of your blog... So I was glad to learn more about one of my readers, in one place. It was quite a fun interview - especially those tidbits about your family history. I blame my compulsive craftiness and hoarding tendencies on my bloodlines, too. Thanks for sharing!

Sewingadicta a dit…

I just read your interview and it's very interesting, you have ancestors from Haiti, is French but speaks English ... and like beets! Wow! Very interesting!

The Slapdash Sewist a dit…

Congratulations! I enjoyed the interview, very entertaining.

Jacquie a dit…

A wonderful Member in Focus interview to read! I just got Manequim 638 in the post today - it's a good one isn't it. Model 337 that you mentioned is indeed very, very nice, and that pink blouse (320) with the sequined collar aaahhhh.

Anonyme a dit…

Niiiice! Also I love beets too. Here's the recipe for my most favourite cake, ever. With beets in it! XD

pella a dit…

I like beetroot too, have the sewing gene and the hoard, but no Haitian ancestry. So interesting to hear about your life.

My Brave True Hero a dit…

It is ok to tell more about yourself, in the first place this is your site and this is your show. We are here to support you my friend. Good luck and let us know more about you!