Donc, je choisis d'acheter du Siam, une toile de coton naturelle très bon marché. Ici, on vend le tissu par aune, soit 1m14, et un rouleau de 20 aunes, soit 22m80, s'appelle une pièce (je découvre ce terme grâce à ce blog!). Mirez-moi ça:
* résolution non verbalisée ou non écrite donc virtuelle et secrète!!!
Completely crazy : my muslin
Among the many non-resolutions for 2009, I had decided to make muslins for all the new-to-me patterns or models bought in 2008 I've been wanting to sew, particularly from Patrons and Knipmode. No idea what the fit is so seems like a good (safe) route to go.
So I purchased the cheapest unbleached cotton I could find locally, called Siam. Fabric is sold here by the aune or 1.25 yards and the roll is a pièce of 25 yards**. Lookit:
* unspoken or unwritten and therefore virtual resolution!!!
** Cidell and Shawnta, yes, I actually don't know how to count, LOL